The Township is committed to enabling incorporated non-profit, charitable, and volunteer organizations to support programs for residents in health, social, cultural, economic, equity and environmental aspects.
Council of Loyalist Township is proud to have awarded 36 Community Grants since launching the program in 2022.
Our Contributors
The Township would like to recognize Windlectric Inc and Kingston Solar GP for funding the Community Grants.
The Township entered into a “Community Benefit Agreement” with Windlectric Inc. in 2015 and the “Community Vibrancy Fund Agreement” with Kingston Solar GP Inc in 2014. Each funding agreement provides stipulations on base contribution each year, how the funding must be allocated, and the maintenance of a designated reserve fund. Currently, the annual contributions from both agreements yields approximately $645,000 per year in funding which in turn is distributed to organizations and individuals who make a meaningful difference in the lives of Loyalist Township residents.
Council established the new Community Grant Policy to outline the criteria and guidelines for use of the funds in a fair, equitable and transparent manner. Review the grant streams below, their eligibility requirements, and the funding available.
Available Grants
Capital Grant
Intake 2 for Capital Grants are open. Applications must be submitted by June 1, 2025.
Capital Grant is provided for projects that enhance or enrich the community involving construction or purchase of physical assets, including, but not limited to, land and associated renovation costs.
Projects must fall under one of the following categories:
Energy Sustainability
Land Stewardship
Recreation Projects
Heritage Preservation
Economic, Business, Tourism, Cultural, or Heritage Development
Disaster Relief
Eligible applicants include:
Incorporated non-profit, charitable, or volunteer organizations that provide services to Loyalist Township residents, schools, or the community within Loyalist Township.
Loyalist Township, provided Council has approved the application by resolution.
Available Funding
The application for a grant under the Capital Stream cannot exceed $100,000.
Complete the Community Grant Capital Stream Application. If you require the form in an alternative method, please contact
There are three intakes under the Capital Stream. The deadline to submit your applications for each intake is as follows:
Intake 1 – February 1
Intake 2 – June 1
Intake 3 – October 1
Staff will review the applications based on set criteria as outlined in the Community Grant Policy and forward it to the Community Grant Committee. The Committee will make recommendations to Council at the next available Council meeting. Council’s decision is final.
Funding Conditions
Applicants must describe and demonstrate a benefit to Loyalist Township and its residents.
Applicants shall only be entitled to one Community Grant from either the Capital stream or the Program/Event stream per year.
Grants will not be considered for the following:
For commercial or for-profit purposes;
For political purposes;
For special interest groups and clubs and/or clubs with exclusive membership;
As a loan, or for other financing, financing charges, debt restructuring, interest payments, to use towards outstanding deficits;
On a retroactive basis or for a project that is already completed;
For religious activities or instruction, including renovations to a place of worship unless it is also used for community activities;
For day-to-day operating costs of an organization (i.e., staffing, rent excluding municipal facilities, property taxes, office supplies including electronic equipment, etc.);
For attendance at conferences, workshops, and seminars;
For travel, accommodation, uniforms, or personal equipment. Personal equipment is defined as any item that is not distributed or available to the public, or equipment that is distributed to individual members of a group or organization for personal use;
For projects or programs taking place on private property, which is not accessible to the public or used for community activities, unless the project or program is available to the community at large; and
To fund a third party or as donations to other charitable causes.
Only applications submitted on time will be considered.
Grants made by the municipality are not to be regarded as a commitment by the municipality to continue such grants in the future. Grants will be approved and issued for the current operating period. Applicants requiring funding beyond the current period will be required to re-apply on an annual basis.
In approving grants, the Township may impose conditions as it deems fit.
The Township reserves the right to use photos and information provided to promote the Community Grant Program on all communications channels.
All grant recipients shall ensure that the Contributor and the Township are appropriately recognized for the Contributions made toward the betterment of the community in accordance with the Community Grant Recognition Protocol.
A follow-up report must be submitted and other supporting documentation such as proof of the project (i.e. photographs), a Financial Report including project income and expenditures as well as receipts/invoices for all expenses, financial statements, and proof of recognition under the Community Grant Recognition Protocol.
Evaluation Forms
In accordance with the Community Grant Policy, grant recipients are required to submit a final Project Evaluation Form.
Program/Event Grant
Intake 2 for Program/Event Grants are open. Applications must be submitted by June 1, 2025.
Program/Event Grant is provided for programs or events that enhance or enrich the community.
Programs or events must fall under one of the following categories:
Community Services
Agriculture/Rural Affairs
Social Services and Assistance
Community Events/Parades
Tourism/Economic Development
Community Beautification/Environmental Projects
Supporting Youth/Seniors
Disaster Relief
Eligible applicants include:
Incorporated non-profit, charitable, or volunteer organizations that provide services to Loyalist Township residents, schools, or the community within Loyalist Township.
Loyalist Township, provided Council has approved the application by resolution.
Individuals are not eligible to apply for the Program/Event Grant Stream.
Available Funding
The application for a grant under the Program/Event Grant Stream cannot exceed $10,000.
There are three intakes under the Program/Event Grant. The deadline to submit your applications for each intake is as follows:
Intake 1 – February 1
Intake 2 – June 1
Intake 3 – October 1
Staff will review the applications based on set criteria as outlined in the Community Grant Policy and forward it to the Community Grant Committee. The Committee will make recommendations to Council at the next available Council meeting. Council’s decision is final.
Funding Conditions
Applicants must describe and demonstrate a benefit to Loyalist Township and its residents.
Applicants shall only be entitled to one Community Grant from either the Capital stream or the Program/Event stream per year.
Grants will not be considered for the following:
For commercial or for-profit purposes;
For political purposes;
For special interest groups and clubs and/or clubs with exclusive membership;
As a loan, or for other financing, financing charges, debt restructuring, interest payments, to use towards outstanding deficits;
On a retroactive basis or for a project that is already completed;
For religious activities or instruction, including renovations to a place of worship unless it is also used for community activities;
For day-to-day operating costs of an organization (i.e., staffing, rent excluding municipal facilities, property taxes, office supplies including electronic equipment, etc.);
For attendance at conferences, workshops, and seminars;
For travel, accommodation, uniforms, or personal equipment. Personal equipment is defined as any item that is not distributed or available to the public, or equipment that is distributed to individual members of a group or organization for personal use;
For projects or programs taking place on private property, which is not accessible to the public or used for community activities, unless the project or program is available to the community at large; and
To fund a third party or as donations to other charitable causes.
Only applications submitted on time will be considered.
Grants made by the municipality are not to be regarded as a commitment by the municipality to continue such grants in the future. Grants will be approved and issued for the current operating period. Applicants requiring funding beyond the current period will be required to re-apply on an annual basis.
In approving grants, the Township may impose conditions as it deems fit.
The Township reserves the right to use photos and information provided to promote the Community Grant Program on all communications channels.
All grant recipients shall ensure that the Contributor and the Township are appropriately recognized for the Contributions made toward the betterment of the community in accordance with the Community Grant Recognition Protocol.
A follow-up report must be submitted and other supporting documentation such as proof of the project (i.e. photograph(s)), a Financial Report including project income and expenditures as well as receipts/invoices for all expenses, and proof of recognition under the Community Grant Recognition Protocol.
Evaluation Forms
In accordance with the Community Grant Policy, grant recipients are required to submit a final Project Evaluation Form.
Requests for Free Use of Facilities
Requests for the Free Use of Facilities are received continuously throughout the year and are subject to availability.
The Free-Use of Facilities Grant stream is intended to support organizations through the free use of Township facilities for activities, programs, and events addressing a community or charitable need, or contributing to the positive image of the Township.
Alcohol is not permitted at events supported through a Free Use of Facilities Grant.
Eligible applicants include:
Individuals who reside in Loyalist Township or are planning a program or event for the Loyalist Township community.
Non-profit, charitable, or volunteer organizations, or unincorporated groups that provide services to residents, schools, or the community within Loyalist Township.
Available Funding
The application for a grant under the Free Use of Facilities cannot exceed $1,500.
The Applicant shall contact the Recreation Clerk to confirm availability of the facility requested and cost of the rental.
Requests must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the start date of the rental request. The request must be submitted by email with the following information:
Contact information for the applicant, including those representing an organization;
The purpose for which the free use is requested;
If the Applicant is an organization, the mandate of the organization requesting free use;
The value of the free use requested.;
A description of the event or program for which the free use is requested;
A description of the community benefit from the intended free use; and
A budget summary and description of the financial need for the free use.
Staff will review the request based on set criteria as outlined in the Community Grant Policy. Applicants will be notified of the decision within 15 business days of receipt of a complete request for free use.
Funding Conditions
Applicants must describe and demonstrate a benefit to Loyalist Township and its residents addressing a community need or contributing to the positive image of the municipality.
Requests will not be considered for the following:
For commercial or for-profit purposes;
For political purposes;
For special interest groups and clubs and/or clubs with exclusive membership;
As a loan, or for other financing, financing charges, debt restructuring, interest payments, to use towards outstanding deficits;
On a retroactive basis or for a project that is already completed;
For religious activities or instruction, including renovations to a place of worship unless it is also used for community activities;
For day-to-day operating costs of an organization (i.e., staffing, rent excluding municipal facilities, property taxes, office supplies including electronic equipment, etc.);
For attendance at conferences, workshops, and seminars;
For travel, accommodation, uniforms, or personal equipment. Personal equipment is defined as any item that is not distributed or available to the public, or equipment that is distributed to individual members of a group or organization for personal use;
For projects or programs taking place on private property, which is not accessible to the public or used for community activities, unless the project or program is available to the community at large; and
To fund a third party or as donations to other charitable causes.
Requests approved are not to be regarded as a commitment by the municipality to continue such requests in the future. Requests will be approved and issued for the current operating period. Applicants requiring funding beyond the current period will be required to re-apply on an annual basis.
In approving the requests, the Township may impose conditions as it deems fit.
The Township reserves the right to use photos and information provided to promote the Community Grant Program on all communications channels.
All recipients shall ensure that the Contributor and the Township are appropriately recognized for the Contributions made toward the betterment of the community in accordance with the Community Grant Recognition Protocol.
The recipient must provide proof of event (i.e. photographs) and a description of the event or program to meet the reporting requirements upon the completion of the program/project.
Requests for Discretionary Grant
Requests for the CAO and Mayor's Discretionary Grant are received continuously throughout the year and subject to funding availability.
The Discretionary Grant is intended support activities, programs, and events addressing a community or charitable need, or contributing to the positive image of the Township.
Eligible applicants include:
Individuals who reside in Loyalist Township or are planning a program or event for the Loyalist Township community.
Non-profit, charitable, or volunteer organizations, or unincorporated groups that provide services to residents, schools, or the community within Loyalist Township.
Available Funding
The application for a grant under the Discretionary Grant cannot exceed $1,000.
Requests must be submitted at a minimum 15 days prior to the start of the program by email to with the following information:
Contact information for the applicant, including those representing an organization;
Purpose or intended use of the requested funds;
If applicant is an organization, the mandate of the organization requesting the grant;
The amount being requested, including the estimated value of any in-kind services;
A description of the community benefit from the intended use of the requested funds;
A budget summary and description of the financial need for the grant; and
An explanation of how a portion of the project/program/event costs are being covered through personal contribution, fundraising activity, or other donations/grants.
The request will be reviewed based on set criteria as outlined in the Community Grant Policy. Applicants will be notified of the decision within 10 business days of receipt of a complete application.
Funding Conditions
Applicants must describe and demonstrate a benefit to Loyalist Township and its residents addressing a community need or contributing to the positive image of the municipality.
Requests will not be considered for the following:
For commercial or for-profit purposes;
For political purposes;
For special interest groups and clubs and/or clubs with exclusive membership;
As a loan, or for other financing, financing charges, debt restructuring, interest payments, to use towards outstanding deficits;
On a retroactive basis or for a project that is already completed;
For religious activities or instruction, including renovations to a place of worship unless it is also used for community activities;
For day-to-day operating costs of an organization (i.e., staffing, rent excluding municipal facilities, property taxes, office supplies including electronic equipment, etc.);
For attendance at conferences, workshops, and seminars;
For travel, accommodation, uniforms, or personal equipment. Personal equipment is defined as any item that is not distributed or available to the public, or equipment that is distributed to individual members of a group or organization for personal use;
For projects or programs taking place on private property, which is not accessible to the public or used for community activities, unless the project or program is available to the community at large; and
To fund a third party or as donations to other charitable causes.
Requests approved are not to be regarded as a commitment by the municipality to continue such requests in the future. Requests will be approved and issued for the current operating period. Applicants requiring funding beyond the current period will be required to re-apply on an annual basis.
In approving the requests, the Township may impose conditions as it deems fit.
The Township reserves the right to use photos and information provided to promote the Community Grant Program on all communications channels.
All recipients shall ensure that the Contributor and the Township are appropriately recognized for the Contributions made toward the betterment of the community in accordance with the Community Grant Recognition Protocol.
The recipient must provide proof of event (i.e. photographs), proof of payment is applicable, and a description of the event or program to meet the reporting requirements upon the completion of the program/project.
Community Grant Committee
The Community Grant Committee is responsible for evaluating applications received under the Capital Grant Stream and the Program/Event Grant Stream and for providing recommendations to Council. Committee meetings will be occur following intake periods. See more information about the Committee on its webpage.
Previous Grant Recipients
Photo Gallery: Community Grant Recipients will appear here on the public site.
Amherst Island Men's Society
Amherst Island Radio
Emerald Music Festival
Amherst Island Public SchoolDry Stone Canada
Loyalist Township (Phase 1 for Community Hub)
Bath Canada Day Committee
Bath Gardening Club
Fairfield Homestead Association
Bath Museum and Visitor Information Centre Community Grant
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