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Exterior image of the W.J. Henderson Recreation Centre in Amherstview, Ontario.

W.J. Henderson Recreation Centre Closing until Fall 2024

Posted on Friday, March 01, 2024 03:58 PM

Effective Monday, March 25th the W.J. Henderson Recreation Centre will be closed to the public until Tuesday, September 3rd to accommodate the start of construction for the W.J. Henderson Recreation Centre Renewal project.

Recreation programming will still be available down the road at the Leisure & Activity Centre at 177 Upper Park Road, which will remain open to the public. Loyalist Township staff will relocate to other Township facilities to continue their work. Recreation programming inquiries...

FoodCycler Pilot Program Expansion

Posted on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 03:00 PM

In Fall 2023, Loyalist Township launched the FoodCycler Pilot Program where 100 resident households registered and purchased one of two FoodCycler unit models to use and reduce the amount of organic waste entering our local landfills. The initiative aimed to address the issue of food waste while promoting environmental consciousness within the community. 

Response to the pilot program was unprecedented for a municipal of Loyalist’s size according to the team at FoodCycle Science with units selling out...

Avian influenza confirmed in wild birds in Kingston

Posted on Friday, February 09, 2024 04:44 PM

Avian influenza, also known as bird flu, has been confirmed in deceased Canada geese that were found recently in the City of Kingston.

To help protect the health and safety of residents and pets, Loyalist Township is providing the following information.

Avoid handling sick or dead birds

Members of the public should not handle sick or dead wild birds, as they could be infected with diseases that can spread to humans. Pets should also be kept away from sick or dead wildlife.

If handling sick or dead wild...

Ferry vessel

Update on Amherst Islander II Following ROMA Conference

Posted on Friday, January 26, 2024 04:18 PM

Loyalist Township Council joined more than 1,600 participants from across the province this week at the 2024 Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Conference. A key priority for the Township delegation was advocacy concerning the commissioning of the Amherst Islander II.

On January 23, 2024, a Township delegation met with the Minister of Transportation, The Hon. Mr. Prabmeet Sarkaria, to discuss an agreeable path towards commissioning of the Amherst Islander II. The discussions were...

Township to meet with Minister Sarkaria at ROMA

Posted on Friday, January 19, 2024 12:00 PM

Deputy Mayor Townend has released the following statement to advise residents that the Township will be meeting with the Minister of Transportation, The Hon. Mr. Prabmeet Sarkaria MPP at the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) conference next week.

Dear Residents,

As part of Loyalist Township’s ongoing efforts to communicate information about the status of the Amherst Islander II, I want to share that the Township will be meeting with the Minister of Transportation Mr. Prabmeet Sarkaria...