Fill Removal and Placement Permits
What is a fill permit?
A fill permit allows you to add or remove fill on private property.
Why do I need a permit to do work on private property?
Adding or removing a large amount of fill will likely change the grade and natural drainage pattern of the property. This will have an effect on neighbouring properties. It's our responsibility to make sure changes to your land don't have a negative effect on your neighbours.
You may also be required to contact the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority if your proposed work area involves any natural wetlands, streams, rivers, or lakes.
What is required to get approved for a fill permit?
By-law 2003-22, the Fill By-law, outlines the following requirements when applying for a fill permit:
- Fill out the application form
- Pay the permit fee, which is described in Schedule A to the By-law
- Provide a fill plan which shows, at a minimum, the boundaries of the property and the area to be affected; existing and proposed drainage routes and slopes, any existing buildings and vegetation, and proposed erosion control measures.
After they review the application, our Engineering staff may require further information, as outlined in the Fill By-law. The damage deposit will also be determined by the Engineering Manager or their designate. Before you apply, please contact the Engineering Supervisor to discuss the proposed fill permit in more detail.
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