Plans Reports and Studies
Council make decisions for the current and future of the Township based on a number of plans, reports, and studies. Here are some of the important documents they consider. Please complete our Alternative Document Request Form to request any of these files in an alternative format.
Asset Management Plan |
The Asset Management Plan informs long-term budget planning for capital infrastructure renewal. |
Community Engagement Framework |
The Loyalist Township Community Engagement Framework outlines the Township’s commitment to create a consistent and clearly defined process for what community engagement looks like in Loyalist Township. |
Community Improvement Plans |
A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is a planning and economic development tool that sets out a framework to assist in community revitalization, and assists to achieve economic, community planning, and urban development goals. |
Community Risk Assessment |
A Community Risk Assessment (CRA) is an Emergency Services tool that informs decisions on the provision of fire protection services. The CRA is an in-depth and comprehensive assessment and identifies, analyses, evaluates and prioritizes risk within Loyalist Township and provides a five-year outlook of the community's risk levels. |
Community Safety and Well-being Plan |
Loyalist Township and the Town of Greater Napanee partnered to create a shared Community Safety and Well-being Plan (CSWB) (large file:10MB) for both municipalities. This provides a planning framework for achieving a sustainable, safe community through social development, risk prevention and mitigation, and accident response. |
Development Charges Background Study |
When a developer builds in the community, the Township collects development charges to help The Development Charges Background Study assists Council in setting the cost of development charges.
Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan |
Provincial regulation requires that every public agency unrelated to a provincial ministry must prepare an energy conservation and demand management (ECDM) plan, and to report on energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for Township facilities. On April 9, 2024, staff presented the draft ECDM to Committee of the Whole. The draft ECDM Plan outlines energy consumption and GHG emissions for Township-owned facilities, discusses previous/current conservation measures in place, and proposes future conservation efforts. The ECDM was adopted by Council at their regular session on April 23, 2024. |
Emergency Plan |
The Emergency Plan for Loyalist Township has been developed to reflect the public safety |
Growth Forecast Study |
In 2019 our consultant, Hemson, undertook a growth forecast study for the Township. The study forecasts population, housing, and employment projections up to the year 2046. This gives Council a basis to plan for future growth and development in Loyalist. |
Infrastructure Masterplan |
In 2024, Loyalist Township published our Infrastructure Masterplan (11 MB). This study, conducted by Township staff as a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA), provides a foundation for infrastructure development in the Township from the beginning of the study period (2021) to 2046. The study examines water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure; urban roads, including active transportation linkages; and miscellaneous asset classes including green infrastructure. Each infrastructure class has been examined through five themes: remedial needs, growth, technological advances, regulatory updates, and climate change. The Masterplan was adopted by Council as a policy document on June 11, 2024. The technical memoranda and studies supporting the Masterplan's recommendations are available by request. If you have questions, please contact Luke MacDonald, Engineering and Environment Manager, by email or by phone: 613-386-7351, ext. 131#. |
Official Plan |
The Official Plan dictates what kinds of development can take place in Loyalist Township, and where they can happen. The plan takes into account social and economic needs, the fiscal ability of the Township, the environment, and natural resources. Since some of these factors change over time, the province requires us to update our Official Plan every five years. The most recent update was in 2019 and was adopted by Council in early 2020. |
Recreation Master Plan |
The Recreation Master Plan (large file: 7MB) is in effect from 2017 through 2027. It guides planning for indoor and outdoor recreation facilities and programs, and the development and management of parks, trails, and other green space that is owned or managed by the Township. |
Recreation Service Delivery Review |
The Recreation Service Delivery Review was completed in 2022. This document is intended to provide clear guidance on the best ways to design and implement recreation and community programming that (1) reflects the changing needs of residents, (2) achieves meaningful improvements to the health and well-being of all age groups, and (3) delivers exceptional value based on the resources and facilities available. |
ResiLienT Loyalist Township Climate Action Plan |
The ResiLienT Loyalist Township Climate Action Plan contains goals and strategies for both the Loyalist Township corporate and community reductions. With a corporate GHG reduction target of a 49% reduction in GHG emissions below 2016 levels by 2031 and a community GHG reduction target of 25% below 2017 levels by 2031 was approved by Council in November 2020. |
Service Delivery Review |
A Township-wide Service Delivery Review was completed and presented at the Committee of the Whole meeting on November 2, 2020. The review was completed by Maclaren Consulting Inc. and was made possible through funding from the Province under the service modernization funding for small and rural communities. The objectives of the study were to analyze and evaluate current services and service delivery methods, as well as to recommend opportunities to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of municipal services. The recommendations outlined in the report include improvements to partnerships, communications, and customer service, as well as new or updated activities to support the objectives of the strategic plan. These opportunities will be built upon and further reported to the public and Council in the future. |
Stormwater Management System Annual Report |
This annual report summarizes the monitoring and maintenance of the stormwater collection system required by the environmental compliance approvals and describes the system’s overall operational performance. The Stormwater Management (SWM) System serving Loyalist Township is a separated stormwater system. The system consists of storm sewers, culverts, ditches, Stormwater Management Facilities, and outlets. The Township’s SWM system, primarily covers three separate subsystems located in Odessa, Bath, and Amherstview. The system has one normal treatment stormwater pond, two enhanced treatment stormwater ponds, two basic treatment ponds and one basic level treatment dry pond. The system also includes one normal and five enhanced treatment Oil Grit Separators. |
Strategic Plan |
Loyalist Township's Strategic Plan 2024-2027 acts as a road map for Council and staff to deliver on community priorities during the current term of Council and for the long term future. Throughout the term of Council, we will use a performance monitoring framework to measure and report on our metrics of success. Find more details on our Strategic Plan webpage. |
Water and Sewer User Rates Study |
Until 2019, water and sewer bills in Loyalist Township were calculated with 60% of the cost being a flat rate and 40% relying on metered consumption. The 2019 water and sewer user rates study recommended amending the fee structure to decrease the fixed rate percentage and increase the percentage based on consumption. This change would allow users to have a greater impact on their utilities bills through water conservation efforts. Council adopted the 2019 study with a transition period of 10 years, so that by 2029 user rates will be comprised of 40% flat rate and 60% metered consumption rate. 2024's water and sewer rates study, adopted by Council in November 2024, continued the fee structure transition. The next rates study will be undertaken in 2029. |
W.J. Henderson Recreation Centre Renewal - Validation Report |
The W.J. Henderson Recreation Centre Renewal Validation Report outlines detailed information around the design of the proposed facility, construction cost estimates, project timelines, projected operating expenses and revenues, and the estimated impact that the project will have on the Township’s General Tax Rate. |
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