We are committed to providing inclusive and accessible goods and services to everyone in Loyalist Township.
Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee
The Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee advises the Councils of the County of Lennox and Addington, the Township of Addington Highlands, the Town of Greater Napanee, Loyalist Township and Stone Mills Township on the preparation and implementation of multi-year accessibility plans in order to remove barriers for people with disabilities and ensure that no new barriers are created.
Committee Members:
Councillor Tony Fritsch (Chair), Councillor Brian Calver, Bob Clancey, Drew Cumpson, Kelly McCaugherty
The roles of the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee includes reviewing and advising the Councils on the following areas:
- Site plans of new and existing municipal buildings
- Major capital purchases
- Significant renovations to municipal facilities
- Leased facilities or any other facility used as a municipal building
- Goods and services provided by the municipality or agents providing services under contract with the municipality
Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee Meetings
The Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee meetings, agenda and minutes will be available on the Lennox & Addington County CivicWeb Portal.

Accessibility Plan
An accessibility plan outlines what steps the organization will take to prevent and remove barriers to accessibility, meeting the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2005 (AODA) requirements. It also outlines what steps will be taken. The role of the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee is to prepare and implement annual and multi-year accessibility plans to remove barriers for people with disabilities and to ensure no new barriers are created. The Committee's Terms of Reference
On December 11, 2023 Council approved the Loyalist Township's 2024-2028 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
For further information please contact the Clerk's Division at 613-386-7351 or by email.
Accessible Transit
Loyalist Township is committed to providing accessible transit services to areas that are currently being serviced by traditional transit. As in keeping with this mandate, Loyalist Township is partnering with Kingston Area Taxi Commission (KATC) to provide accessible transit services to Amherstview. View the service area map.
The Accessible Customer Service Policy was approved by Council on March 23, 2009. Please complete our Alternative Document Request Form to request this file in an alternative format.
Accessibility Updates
The following staff reports have been provided to Loyalist Township Council:
- December 11, 2023 Loyalist Township Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2024-2028
- August 14, 2023 Staff Report SR-2421
- August 8, 2022 Staff Report SR-2105

2022 Post-Election Accessibility Report
The 2022 Post-Election Accessibility report serves to meet the legislative requirements under the Municipal Elections Act, Section 12.1 (3), that within 90 days after voting day, the Clerk shall prepare a report about the identification, removal and prevention of barriers that affect electors and candidates with disabilities.
Legislative and Administrative Authorities
- Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11
- Integrated Accessibility Standards, O. Reg. 191/11
- Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19
Website Accessibility
Every effort is made to ensure the Loyalist Township website complies with the AODA. Please note that efforts to ensure all information posted meets AODA standards is an ongoing work in progress.
Note about third-party websites: Loyalist Township does not have control over third-party documents or content linked to our website specific to accessibility.
Alternate formats of our documents are available upon request.
Please contact the Clerk's Division by email or 613-386-7351 ext. 171# to make a request or complete the online form.
Accessibility Compliance Reporting
All public sector organizations with 20 or more employees, including municipalities, are legally required to report on compliance with the AODA every two years.
2023 Accessibility Compliance Report
2021 Accessibility Compliance Report
2019 Accessibility Compliance Report
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