Living in Loyalist
- Animal Services
- Cemeteries
- Churches
- Community and Senior Services
- Community Grants
- Community Organizations
- Community Tree Initiative
- Fire and Emergency Services
- Garbage and Recycling
- FoodCycler Pilot Program
- Health Services
- Housing
- Libraries
- Municipal Calendar
- Public Consultation
- Property Taxes
- Change ownership or mailing address
- How property taxes are calculated
- Interim final tax billing, installment due dates
- Payment application and late payment charges
- Payment Options
- Property Assessments
- Rebates and Credits
- Receipts and statement of taxes
- Supplementary tax billings - new construction and property changes
- Tax certificates
- ResiLienT Loyalist Township
- Schools and Crossing Guards
- Traffic, Roads and Bridges
- Transportation
- Water and Sewer
Explore and Play
- Arts and Culture
- Bath Canada Day
- Community Organizations
- Events
- Amherstview Farmers Market
- Amherstview Lions Club Santa Claus Parade
- Bath Canada Day
- Community BBQ
- Culture Days
- Doors Open
- Earth Day
- Event Planning
- Exploration Days
- Family Day
- Family Fishing Day
- Holiday Trees in the Township
- June is Recreation and Parks Month
- Light up the Season
- March Break
- March of the Museums
- Municipal Calendar
- Remembrance Day
- Seniors Expo
- Spring Egg Hunt
- Summer Programs
- Sunday Market in Bath
- Trunk-or-Treat and Crafts
- Tunes Days in the Township
- Winter Active Week
- Explore and Play Guide
- Facilities and Rentals
- Golf and Country Clubs
- History and Heritage
- Libraries
- Maps and Apps
- Marina
- Parks and Trails
- Recreation
- Tourism
- Volunteering
Business and Development
Council and Administration
- Accessibility
- Accountability
- Advertising and Sponsorship
- Agendas and Minutes
- Applications, Licences and Permits
- Ameriks Grant Application
- Birth Certificates
- Business Licences
- Document Commissioning
- Dog Licensing
- Entrance Permits
- Event Planning and Application
- Excavation Permits
- Fill Removal and Placement Permits
- Kennel Licencing
- Livestock Claims
- Lottery Licences
- Marriage Licences
- Patio License
- Sign Permits
- Special Occasion Certificate Requests
- Refreshment Vehicle License
- Asset Management
- Awards
- Boards and Committees
- Budget and Financial Reporting
- By-laws and Enforcement
- Careers
- Complaints
- Council
- Document Commissioning
- Elections
- Freedom of Information Requests
- Infrastructure Projects
- Land Acknowledgement Statement
- Municipal Noticeboard Policy
- Municipal Offices
- Organizational Chart
- Plans, Reports, and Studies
- Proclamations and Public Awareness Campaigns
- Procurement
- Staff Directory
- Strategic Plan
- Ward Boundary Review
- WJ Henderson Renewal Project