As of July 1, 2024, the cost of garbage bag tags in Loyalist Township will be increasing by $0.50 per tag to $3.00. The price increase was approved as part of the 2024 municipal budget to help offset increased expenditures related to operating this partial user-pay program.  

The municipality last updated the bag tag fee in 2015.  

Residents can purchase the new green bag tags online and at vendor outlets throughout the Township.  

Residents can continue using their current orange tags up until July 1 at which point they must begin to use green bag tags. 

Exchanging your old bag tags for credit

Between July 2 and September 6, residents can exchange their old tags at Township offices at Township office located at 263 Main Street, Odessa to receive a credit off the purchase of new tags.  Residents can also or return their old tags to the Township office at 18 Manitou Crescent West, Amherstview where they will be given a confirmation of return of their old tags and a cheque reimbursement will be mailed to them.