LTES Boot Drive Fundraiser Support Local Meal Distribution Program

Annually on Labour Day, firefighters from Loyalist Township Emergency Services (LTES) conduct a boot drive to raise funds to support a variety of programs and initiatives that benefit our community. On September 15, LTES Fire Chief Fred Stephenson and Mayor James Hegadorn, had the honour of presenting a $5,000 donation to Pastor Ross from the Odessa Free Methodist Church.
Under the leadership of Pastor Ross, the Church coordinates a meal distribution program in partnership with the Morningstar Mission’s Mobile Community Meal Program. The program provides healthy, nutritious, home-cooked meals-to-go that are free of charge.
LTES would like to thank Mayor Hegadorn for helping coordinate this and Pastor Ross for all his work in our community. LTES would also like to thank the community members that generously contributed to the Labour Day Boot Drive this year!
Visit the Morningstar Mission website to learn more about the Mobile Community Meal Program.
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