Rural Commuter Transit Study

Loyalist Township is working with partners, The City of Kingston, the Town of Gananoque, and the Township of South Frontenac, to undertake a Rural Commuter Transit Study to examine possible public transit solutions for residents, workers, students, and visitors.
The study's objective is to review existing services, identify local travel needs, and develop a plan to address the needs identified.
Complete the Rural Transit Survey
A short survey has been prepared to gather feedback on our communities' transit needs. The survey will be open until February 16, 2023.
Loyalist Transit Background
Amherstview – Kingston Bus Service
Loyalist Township under contract to Kingston Transit, provides a bus service from Amherstview to Kingston via Route 10.
Community Connection Transit Pilot Project
In March 2022, Lennox & Addington County Council approved the use of Community Transportation Funding from the Province of Ontario to support base funding for an intercommunity transit pilot project running between the Town of Greater Napanee, Loyalist Township and The City of Kingston, primarily along the Highway 2 corridor.
The objective of the service is to provide residents with affordable and reliable transportation for those that need to commute to and from work, attend medical and specialist appointments, access essential and non-essential services, and to travel within the communities to visit family and friends.
Loyalist Township and the Town of Greater Napanee are working jointly to initiate this pilot project with cooperation from Kingston Transit. Interested residents can sign up for email notifications on our Intercommunity Transit webpage.
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