Community Profiles
Loyalist Township is located in the southern most part of Lennox and Addington County, on the shores of Lake Ontario, midway between Toronto and Ottawa. Straddling the 401 corridor and encompassing an area of 342.27 square kilometers (132.16 square miles) the Township consists of a variety of living environments including the fully serviced areas of Amherstview, Odessa, and Bath. Farms, countryside residences, recreational areas and a short ferry ride to Amherst Island create a community like no other. Other hamlets include Wilton, Millhaven, Stella, Violet, and Switzerville.
The Loyalist Parkway (Highway #33) begins in Amherstview and continues along the Lake Ontario shore to the Glenora Ferry at Adolphustown. It is a scenic stretch of road, dotted with numerous 18th and 19th Century homesteads, major historical sites and tourist attractions.
Our Motto “Home of History and Progress” reflects the ongoing growth of our community.
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