Amherstview West Secondary Plan
Statutory Public Meeting - February 11, 2025
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What is a secondary plan?
A secondary plan can be considered a second layer of the Township-wide Official Plan. It includes a land use plan with implementing policies that are adopted into the Official Plan to ensure its intent is legally binding.
The Secondary Plan will provide a policy and implementation framework to guide the future growth and development of Amherstview West for the next 25 years. The Secondary Plan will be accompanied by a series of technical studies that support the Plan, in accordance with the policies in the Township’s Official Plan (current and proposed policies), that also conform to the County Official Plan and are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS).
The Secondary Plan must also conform to all servicing and design guidelines and manuals, and maintain line-of-sight to other Loyalist Township plans. These include, but are not limited to, the Strategic Plan, the Asset Management Plan, the Recreation Master Plan, the Climate Action Plan, and the Infrastructure Master Plan. The process will also be required to satisfy Municipal Class Environmental Assessment requirements and will need to be documented accordingly. Loyalist Township has engaged WSP as their consultant for the Secondary Plan project.
The best and most reliable way to get timely updates as the project progresses is to sign up for email updates.
Where is Amherstview West? |
The diagram below outlines the area considered Amherstview West.
How can I get involved? |
Your ideas and feedback are integral components as we design and plan the future of Amherstview West. We will be seeking public input throughout different stages of the Secondary Plan process. The Plan will be developed over the course of 2021-2024 and will include multiple opportunities for public involvement and engagement. If you have comments that you would like to submit pertaining to the Amherstview West Secondary Plan, please send them via email. Email notificationsSign up below to receive email updates regarding the Amherstview West Secondary Plan |
Latest project updates |
Notice of Statutory Public Meeting #2 and Final Amherstview West Secondary PlanLoyalist Township will be holding a Statutory Public Meeting on Tuesday February 11, 2025 to consider an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Urban Design Guidelines to implement the Amherstview West Secondary Plan, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 17(15) and 34(12) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. All are invited to attend! The public meeting will be held as follows: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 – 6:00 pm Join us in person at Council Chambers at 263 Main Street, Odessa or Online via Zoom. The Zoom link can be found on the Council Agenda prior to the meeting at the following link Alternatively, you may contact Andrea Furniss, Manager of Development Services at the contact details below in order to receive information on how to view and participate in the meeting through Zoom. The Notice of Statutory Public Meeting is available on the Township website. The Final Secondary Plan documents, including the Secondary Plan, Official Plan Amendment, and Urban Design Guidelines will be posted at this Engage Loyalist page on or by January 21, 2025. Following January 21, 2025, the documents will also be available at the municipal office located at 18 Manitou Crescent West, Amherstview, ON K7N 1S3 from Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A staff report pertaining to this matter will be available prior to the meeting at the following link: Any Person may attend the hybrid Public Meeting and make a verbal statement and/or make written representation either in support of or opposition to the proposed amendments. Township staff will also be bringing forward a recommendation to Council for their consideration on the proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Urban Design Guidelines. For more information about this matter, including information about preserving your appeal rights, please review the Notice of Statutory Public Meeting and/or contact: Andrea Furniss, MCIP, RPP, Manager of Development Services, at 613-386-7351, extension 208# or through e-mail. November 19, 2024: Notice of Statutory Public Meeting and Final Proposed Amherstview West Draft Secondary PlanLoyalist Township will be holding a Statutory Public Meeting on Tuesday December 10, 2024 to consider an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Urban Design Guidelines to implement the Amherstview West Secondary Plan, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 17(15) and 34(12) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. All are invited to attend! The public meeting will be held as follows: Tuesday, December 10, 2024 – 6:00 pm Join us in person at Council Chambers at 263 Main Street, Odessa or online via Zoom by accessing the Council Portal. The Notice of Statutory Public Meeting is now posted online. The Final Draft Secondary Plan documents are now available for review and comment at the links below:
Associated Studies and Reports can be found at the links below:
The documents will also be available at the municipal office located at 18 Manitou Crescent West, Amherstview Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A staff report pertaining to this matter will be available prior to the meeting on the Council Portal. Any Person may attend the hybrid Public Meeting and make a verbal statement and/or make written representation either in support of or opposition to the proposed amendments. The Final Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Urban Design Guidelines are anticipated to be brought forward to Council to consider adoption at a separate meeting in Winter 2025. For more information about this matter, including information about preserving your appeal rights, please review the Notice of Statutory Public Meeting and/or contact: Andrea Furniss, MCIP, RPP, Manager of Development Services, at 613-386-7351, extension 208# or through e-mail.
August 30, 2024: Public Open House #3 – As We Heard It MemoAn “As We Heard It” Memo summarizing the input heard at the third Public Open House held at the Amherstview Fire Hall on July 31, 2024 is now available to view at the link here.
Loyalist Township staff and their consultant, WSP, are currently reviewing all comments received through consultation on the Draft Secondary Plan and associated documents. Next steps in the project include the preparation of the Final Draft Secondary Plan, Final Draft Official Plan Amendment, Final Draft Zoning By-law Amendment, and Final Draft Urban Design Guidelines based on input received. These final draft documents will be presented at a future Statutory Public Meeting as required under the Planning Act, which is anticipated for this Fall 2024.
Be sure to keep checking back at this website for future updates or sign up below to receive email updates regarding the Amherstview West Secondary Plan! August 1, 2024: Public Open House - Thank you! We would like to thank everyone who attended yesterday evening's public open house, online and in-person. The presentation slides, the display boards, and the video can all be viewed here: Also, the draft Secondary Plan documents, draft Official Plan Amendment, draft Zoning By-law Amendment, and draft Urban Design Guidelines are linked below. Comments are kindly requested on these documents no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 8, 2024. An "As We Heard It" memo will be published in the coming weeks to summarize input received during the Public Open House and comment period. All feedback will be reviewed and will inform the preparation of the final draft Secondary Plan documents; which will be presented at a future Statutory Public Meeting as required under the Planning Act. Comments and questions on the draft documents and Secondary Plan project can be sent to Bohdan Wynnyckyj, Chief Planner - Special Projects. July 17, 2024: Notice of Public Open HouseLoyalist Township will be holding a Public Open House on Wednesday July 31, 2024 to present the Draft Amherstview West Secondary Plan and associated Secondary Plan documents, including the proposed Draft Official Plan Amendment, Draft Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Urban Design Guidelines, and Draft Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Environmental Study Report. All are invited to attend! The public open house will be held Wednesday, July 31, 2024 – 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm (with a presentation at 6:00 pm). Join us in person at Amherstview Fire Station, 363 Amherst Drive, Amherstview, or online via Zoom at The Notice of Public Open House is available to view here. The draft Secondary Plan documents are now available for review and comment at the links below:
Advance registration for the Public Open House is encouraged, but not required, by July 30, 2024, 4:30 pm. To register, please contact: Katie Amey, Administrative Assistant, Economic Growth and Community Development Services Telephone: (613) 386-7351 ext. 103# Email: Comments and questions on the draft documents and Secondary Plan project are requested no later than 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 8, 2024, and may be emailed to For those who may be unable to attend the Public Open House but wish to participate, the presentation boards and meeting recording will be made available on this webpage following the event. May 2024 Project UpdateOn March 26, 2024, Township Council approved a scope change and revised workplan and schedule to complete the Secondary Plan in 2024. The rationale for the approved scope is as follows:
The Township's consultant, WSP, continue to work with Township staff to prepare the draft Secondary Plan and supporting documentation for public release. The materials will be published on this webpage, and will be presented at a statutory Public Open House under the Planning Act, to be held in Amherstview in early summer 2024. Once scheduled, notice of the Public Open House will be published on this webpage, on Township social media, and to the project email list.
November 29, 2023: Community Design Workshop - "As We Heard It" memoAn "As We Heard It" memo summarizing the input we received at September 30th's Community Design Workshop is now available.
Next steps in the project include the preparation of conceptual options for the Future Development areas, as well as the development of the draft Secondary Plan and draft Urban Design Guidelines. Our next touchpoint with the community is anticipated for Winter 2024 to present these draft documents, as well as the draft Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, which will implement the Amherstview West Secondary Plan.
Be sure to keep checking back at this website for future updates, or sign up above to receive email updates. October 13, 2023: Community Design Workshop - Thank you to participantsWe would like to thank the members of the community who participated in the Community Design Workshop, held at Amherstview Community Hall on September 30. It was a great day, filled with visioning and idea-sharing for the look and feel of the new community of Amherstview West. Photo Gallery: AWSP_DesignWorkshop will appear here on the public site.
An “As We Heard It” memo, summarizing the input and ideas received through the Workshop will be posted on the project webpage in the coming weeks. Next steps in the project include the preparation of conceptual options for the Future Development Areas, as well as the development of the Draft Secondary Plan and Draft Urban Design Guidelines. Our next touchpoint with the community is anticipated for Winter 2024 to present these draft documents, as well as the Draft Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, which will implement the Amherstview West Secondary Plan. August 24, 2023: Community Design WorkshopYou're invited to join us on Saturday, September 30, 2023, to participate in a Community Design Workshop. We will be developing design principles for a "main street"-type entry into the Amherstview West area. These principles will guide the neighbourhood's character, built form, streets, and the space between the building and roadway, for instance. The Workshop will explore the long-term vision and planning for the Potential Future Development Area within the Secondary Plan lands. The diagram below identifies the future Potential Future Development Area. August 1, 2023: Public Open House #2 "As We Heard It"An "As We Heard It" memo, summarizing the input we received at the Public Open House held on June 21, 2023 is now available. June 2023: Public Open House #2 - Thank YouThank you to all who attended the second Public Open House, held at Amherstview Community Hall on June 21. For those who were unable to attend but wish to participate, the presentation, display boards, and draft evaluation of alternatives are below:
We welcome your feedback on the land use options, draft evaluation of alternatives and criteria, and draft preferred option identified from the evaluation. The preferred option will continue to be refined as the project progresses and input from Township staff, project committees, and the community is received. The final preferred land use option will be carried forward in the preparation of the Draft Secondary Plan. An "As We Heard It" memo summarizing the input received at the open house is now available. Questions or comments can be submitted to Bohdan Wynnyckyj, RPP, MCIP, Chief Planner – Special Projects, (613) 386-7351, ext. 144#. June 2023: Project Update - Public Open House #2 at Amherstview Community Hall - June 21, 2023Work has been continuing on the Amherstview West Secondary Plan study. More recently, Township staff and WSP provided an overview of the project to Township Council on April 24, 2023. The purpose of the presentation was to provide an update on work completed since summer 2022, and advise of next steps for the project. On June 21, 2023, the second public open house for the Secondary Plan will be held. All are invited to attend. When: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - 3 pm - 7:30 pm (presentation will be made at 3:30 pm and again at 6 pm) Where: Amherstview Community Hall, 177 Upper Park Road, Amherstview, ON K7N 1T3 At the open house Township staff and WSP will provide an overview of the work done to date, the final land use concepts and results of their technical evaluation, and an outline of next steps for the Secondary Plan project. Advance registration for the Public Open House is encouraged, but not required, by June 20, 2023 at 4:30 pm. To register, please contact Katie Amey, Administrative Assistant, Economic Growth and Community Development Services, by email or by phone, 613-386-7351, ext. 103#. For those who may be unable to attend, the presentation boards will be made available on this webpage following the event. August 2022: Project UpdateOn July 11, 2022, Township Council approved an expansion to the scope of the Amherstview West Secondary Plan project. The additional scope includes preparation of an additional new land use concept plan, including high-level land use designations and the development of a conceptual road network, for the Secondary Plan lands currently proposed to be designated as "Potential Future Development Areas" on the three draft land use concept options. The conceptual land use plan for the "Potential Future Development Areas" will provide long-term planning direction beyond the Secondary Plan planning horizon to 2046, and provide clarity for local landowners regarding the future of Amherstview West. The conceptual options for the "Potential Future Development Areas" and conceptual road network would be subject to a future Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process. Similarly, future development in these areas would need to be permitted by way of an Official Plan Amendment and associated Zoning By-law Amendment when the lands are ready to be brought on-line, based on actual growth. |
Older project updates |
April 2022: Presentation to CouncilOn April 4, 2022, staff from Loyalist Township and WSP presented the draft land use concepts to the Committee of the Whole. That meeting is available to view here. At that time, Council approved an extension of the project timelines to allow additional opportunity for the public to review and comment on the numerous technical studies that are in the process of being finalized, and for to allow for further discussions with affected landowners and the public to be carried out. March 2022: Public Open HouseNotice of Public Open House #1 On March 10, 2022, staff from Loyalist Township and WSP held a virtual Public Open House to share more about the: The presentation from that meeting is available to view here. For those who were unable to attend the Public Open House, it was recorded. The video recording is available to view here. An "As We Heard It" memo has been prepared to summarize Public Open House #1 and is available to view here. February 2022: Committee MeetingsStaff from Loyalist Township and WSP have been hard at work over the past several months compiling the various studies that form the background of the Secondary Plan, and preparing draft land use concepts for the Secondary Plan area. These concepts and studies will be presented to the Coordinating Committee and the Technical Advisory Committee later this month. An Open House will be held in March to present the information to the public and receive feedback. August 2021: As We Heard it ReportThe “As We Heard It” Report presents a summary of the feedback received from the community through the Online Visioning Workshop and Online Visioning Survey held as part of the ongoing community engagement process. This Report also presents a draft Vision Statement, goals, and objectives for the Amherstview West Secondary Plan, as informed by feedback received. July 2021: Visioning Workshop Follow up & Visioning SurveyThank you to everyone who attended the Online Visioning Workshop on Zoom on June 24, 2021 at 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. A significant amount of great public feedback and comments were received. If you'd like to view the recording of the Visioning Workshop, you can do so here. The Visioning Survey was conducted in the summer of 2021 and closed on Friday July 16, 2021 at 11:59 pm. June 2021: Notice of Commencement IssuedThe notice of study commencement was issued on June 3, 2021. April 2021: Public Engagement Program StrategyOn Monday, April 21st, 2021, the Public Engagement Program Strategy was approved by Council. You can read about this strategy in the Staff Report at the following link: February 2021: Project Introduction to CouncilOn February 22, 2021, the Secondary Plan Project Introduction was presented to Council by WSP. You can view the presentation at the following links: Amherstview West Secondary Plan - Project Introduction - Powerpoint Version Amherstview West Secondary Plan - Project Introduction - PDF Version January 2021: Secondary Plan Kickoff MeetingIn December 2020, following an RFP process, Loyalist Township contracted WSP Canada Inc. for the development of the Amherstview West Secondary Plan. “I am pleased and excited to see this Plan proceeding. The development of the Amherstview West Secondary Plan will be an influential piece of the growth of Loyalist Township for decades to come,” stated Loyalist Township Mayor, Ric Bresee. On January 29, 2021, representatives from Loyalist Township and WSP Canada Inc. (WSP) held an internal project kick-off meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the project team, and confirm background information and the project schedule for the integrated Secondary Plan and Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process. In addition, the Public Engagement Program Strategy was discussed, including potential impacts and restrictions related to COVID-19.
December 2020At their regular session on December 14, 2020, Loyalist Township Council approved engaging WSP as the planning consultant for the Amherstview West Secondary Plan project. |
Reports |
The following background studies were prepared as the foundational documents for the Secondary Plan:
The Public Engagement Program Strategy included in the staff report below was approved by Council on Monday April 21st, 2021.
Frequently Asked Questions |
1. What is a Secondary Plan? The Loyalist Township Official Plan (Amendment No. 28, County Approval: March 23, 2022) sets out a vision, guiding principles, and land use policies that are used to manage and direct physical planning of lands and development in the Township. The Official Plan applies to all lands within the municipality, while a Secondary Plan is a planning policy document that sets out a vision, guiding principles, and land use policies to guide growth and development within a more specific area of a municipality. Like an Official Plan, a Secondary Plan is developed with engagement and input from the local community, in accordance with the Planning Act, so that growth can be achieved while respecting the needs of current residents, ensuring compatibility with the existing community fabric and character, and promoting progressive planning principles.
2. Why is Loyalist Township undertaking a Secondary Plan for Amherstview West? Amherstview is experiencing the most rapid growth of the Township’s three urban settlement areas of Bath, Odessa, and Amherstview, and is anticipated to have a remaining residential land supply of 5 to 10 years, due in part to housing demand outpacing population growth and resulting in a declining average household size. Proximity to the City of Kingston in the east has also influenced the distribution of growth in Loyalist Township, and in Amherstview where residential growth in the Township is focused.
While we continue to examine opportunities to expand Odessa and Bath, Loyalist Township Official Plan acknowledges that long term urban expansion is expected to take place in a westerly direction in Amherstview. The Secondary Plan will address the extension of Amherstview to the west, to accommodate future growth and development in the community for the next 25 years. It will consider future needs and priorities for the new community, including housing types, urban design, community amenities, protection of the natural environment, and transportation, including active transportation.
The development of the Secondary Plan will be based on a series of technical studies, and will involve the preparation of urban design standards, an Official Plan Amendment (OPA), and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBLA) through which the Secondary Plan will be implemented.
3. What is a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment and how does it relate to the Secondary Plan? The Secondary Plan process will be integrated with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process for a Master Plan, which will enable certain “classes” of municipal infrastructure improvements needed to service the Secondary Plan study area to be approved concurrently with the completion and adoption of the Secondary Plan. Examples of potential required municipal infrastructure improvements may include new roads and/or road widenings, as well as extension of municipal water and wastewater services and new facilities.
The Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process is a standardized planning process approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. It allows for routine “classes” of municipal infrastructure projects (e.g. roadways, or municipal water and wastewater services) to be assessed following a streamlined Environmental Assessment process. The environment is broadly defined under the Environmental Assessment Act to include the natural, social, economic, cultural and built environments. Projects (or “undertakings”) assessed following a MCEA process must consider impacts on the environment as part of the planning process. Integrating the development of the Secondary Plan with the MCEA process allows for a coordinated approach to addressing land use, servicing, and transportation issues. It will also ensure that environmental considerations are fully integrated into the decision-making process.
The following graphic illustrates key project activities and how the Secondary Plan and MCEA processes will be integrated. It also shows when key opportunities for public review and input will take place over the course of the project.
4. What is the Secondary Plan study area? The Amherstview West Secondary Plan study area is located to the west of County Road 6 and the existing built-up area in Amherstview, and between Taylor Kidd Boulevard (County Road 23) to the north and Bath Road (Highway 33) to the south.
5. How will community feedback be incorporated into the Secondary Plan? There will be many opportunities for residents to participate in a variety of events throughout the project to help shape the community’s future. The Township’s project team looks forward to receiving your valued input on what future growth and development should look like in Amherstview West. Throughout 2022, the following events will be held online or in-person, depending on Provincial Orders and COVID-19 protocols in place at that time:
The first event, an Online Visioning Workshop, was held on the evening of June 24, 2021 in an online format (Zoom Meeting) due to COVID-19 protocols. A presentation was delivered by WSP to introduce the project and the Secondary Plan / Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process to the community, as well as key considerations from technical background studies being completed. Attendees were asked to share their ideas for a new vision, goals, and objectives for the Secondary Plan Area, and to explore various policy issues. Workshop participants were led through a series of exercises and discussions on policy issues such as housing, community amenities, natural environment, urban design, and transportation. The first Online Public Open House was held on Thursday March 10, 2022. At that time, the project team presented draft land use concept options and evaluation criteria for Amherstview West for public comment. The notice of the first Online Public Open House can be viewed here and has been circulated to the email contact list. Updates on all upcoming engagement events and opportunities to get involved will be published on this web page, through the Township’s social media, and through notices in the Kingston Whig Standard and Napanee Beaver. 6. What is the Township’s process for approving the Secondary Plan and the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment? Loyalist Township Council is the approval authority for the Secondary Plan. The Secondary Plan is anticipated to be considered by Township Council for adoption in Summer 2022, alongside an Official Plan Amendment. Following adoption, there will be a 20-day appeal period under the Planning Act, during which any agency, landowner, or member of the public can appeal Council’s decision. If no appeals are received, then the Secondary Plan and Official Plan Amendment will be in full force and effect. Council will then adopt a Zoning By-law Amendment to implement the Secondary Plan and Official Plan Amendment, which will involve another 20-day appeal period. At the conclusion of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process, a Notice of Completion will be published in local newspapers and sent to the study contact list. At this time the public will be invited to review project MCEA documentation for a 30-day review period. During the 30-day public review period, comments and questions may be submitted to the project team for consideration. The Notice of Completion will indicate where project documentation can be reviewed and how to submit comments. In addition, during the 30-day review period the public may submit a Part II Order request to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) to request either a higher level of study (i.e., an individual or comprehensive Environmental Assessment), or that conditions be imposed (e.g., further studies) before proceeding to implementation. A Part II Order request will only be considered on the grounds that it may prevent, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally-protected Aboriginal and / or treaty rights, in accordance with Section 35 of the Constitution Act. While the majority of lands in the Secondary Plan study area are municipally-owned, there are some lands under private ownership. The Township will engage with private landowners in the Secondary Plan study area throughout the project. 8. After the Secondary Plan is approved and in effect, how will the Township sell municipally-owned lands? Land disposition is a process by which property or personal rights are granted to public land via sale, transfer, or lease. Land dispositions can vary in tenure, term length, purpose, and application requirements depending on the type. The Township’s By-law No. 2004-33, “A By-law to Establish Procedures Governing the Sale of Real Property” sets out the process and procedures for the disposition of municipally-owned lands, in accordance with the Municipal Act.
9. How will lands within the Secondary Plan study area be developed? After the Amherstview West Secondary Plan is approved and in effect, and has been implemented through an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, any proposed development in the Secondary Plan study area would proceed in accordance with the Township’s existing development review process. As for any proposed development in the Township, proponents would be required to submit a planning application to the Township (e.g. Consent, Minor Variance, Site Plan Control, Plan of Subdivision), which includes a public process under the Planning Act and approval by Council or the Committee of Adjustment, depending on the type of planning application. The Township’s development review process for planning applications is further detailed on the Township’s website here. The Loyalist Township Infrastructure Master Plan will evaluate the core infrastructure required to address the Township’s future growth and change over the next twenty-five years (to 2046). The core infrastructure that will be studied under the IMP includes: transportation infrastructure such as roads, bridges, transit, and walkways, potable water systems, sanitary sewer systems, and storm water systems. WSP representatives visited the study area during Spring 2021 to conduct field work in support of the Secondary Plan and Infrastructure Master Plan. The field work included: conducting boreholes at approved locations, taking water samples and measurements, and collecting photos of the area. This work took place between 8 am and 5 pm during the work week (Monday to Friday) and had no interruption to services. At approved locations the borehole work will be used to identify soil and groundwater conditions in the study area. This work will consist of the following: Firstly, the field team went on-site to place stakes and Global Positioning System (GPS) borehole locations, to ensure that no underground utilities will be impacted by the work. Secondly, borehole drilling commenced on a separate day which involves heavy tracked equipment, monitoring wells will be installed at some of the borehole locations to test water levels in the area. The drilling processes will fully comply with the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks procedures, and will have no adverse impact on local water levels in the study area. In addition to the proposed borehole work, WSP representatives used Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to obtain detailed information on bedrock depth and identify potential presence of karsts in the area. The GPR method is used to develop contour mapping live while on-site and can be used as an alternative to borehole testing. GPR is operated by a single operator who will push or pull the GPR transmitter on a small sled and collect and view data from a GPS receiver and tablet in real time. There is no trace left behind. 12. The population, housing, and employment projections for Amherstview West reference the Population, Housing, and Employment Projections to 2046 Report, prepared by Hemson Consulting in 2019, which reference the 2016 Statistics Canada census data. With the 2021 Census population data recently released, will the Secondary Plan account for these updated numbers? The 2019 Hemson Report on Population, Housing and Employment Projections to 2046 was one of the principal background documents used in preparation of the Amherstview West Secondary Plan draft land use concept options and in the preparation of the new Loyalist Township Official Plan that was adopted by Township Council in November 2021. The growth projections in the 2019 Hemson Report were referenced in the Growth Management Report (July 2021) for the Amherstview West study area, in addition to supplementary projections from Hemson Consulting specific to Amherstview West. The 2021 Census population data was released in late February 2022. The Township’s preliminary review of this new population data indicates population growth is lower than projected in the 2019 Hemson Report. The County of Lennox and Addington is currently undertaking their own County-wide growth study. As official data from this County study becomes available, our projections will adjust accordingly in order to base decision-making on official data. The Secondary Plan will include provisions that would allow for growth in future development areas within Amherstview West to proceed sooner than the 2046 time horizon if needed. 13. How can I get involved in the Secondary Plan process? Your ideas and feedback are integral components as we design and plan the future of Amherstview West. We will be seeking public input throughout different stages of the Secondary Plan process. A number of opportunities for you to share your feedback are planned throughout the project. 14. Where do I send my comments or questions on the Secondary Plan? Stayed tuned to this webpage and sign up for the email contact list to stay up to date on the project. Comments and questions can be sent via email to Bohdan Wynnyckyj, RPP, Chief Planner - Special Projects. |
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Comments or concerns can be sent via email. The best and most reliable way to get timely updates as the project progresses is to sign up for email updates. |
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