May 2022 |
- May 2, 2022; First day for candidates to file nomination paper for the office of Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillor, or School Board Trustee and first day third party advertisers can register.
August 2022 |
- August 19, 2022; Last day candidates can file nomination papers, by 2:00 pm; if nomination paper already filed, have until 2pm to file a nomination for a different office; a candidate who wishes to withdraw their nomination has until 2 pm to notify the Clerk by filing a written withdrawal. Nominations or withdrawals CANNOT be accepted after 2 pm.
- August 22, 2022; Last day for Clerk to certify candidate nomination papers.
September 2022 |
- September 1, 2022; Copies of the voters’ list are available to certified candidates.
- September 25, 2022; Certified candidates that received a copy of the original Voters’ List will be provided with the interim list of changes to the Voters’ List by this date.; Final expense limits certificate to be provided to candidates and third parties by this date.
October 2022 |
- October 21, 2022; Last day for an individual, corporation, or trade union to file a notice of registration as a third party advertiser. Individuals, corporations, and trade unions have until 4:30 pm to file their notice of registration.
- October 24, 2022; Voting Day; with the exception of institutions and retirement homes that may have reduced opening hours, voting places will open at 10 am and close at 8 pm. Additional information regarding voting events will be available in the spring of 2022.
- October 25, 2022; Official election results declared.
November 2022 |
- November 15, 2022; New term of Council commences.
January 2023 |
- January 3, 2023; Campaign period ends for candidates and registered third parties, meaning they cannot accept any contributions or incur any expenses. Candidates or registered third parties that wish to extend their campaign, due to a deficit, must file a Notice of Extension of Campaign Period, Form 6 by this date.
March 2023 |
- March 1, 2023; Last day for Clerk to provide candidates and registered third parties with notice of the financial filing requirements and penalties.
- March 30, 2023; Last day for a candidate or registered third party to apply to Superior Court of Justice to extend the time to file the financial statement.
- March 31, 2023; By 2pm Last day for candidates and registered third parties to file a financial statement and auditors’ report, if required, for the reporting period ending January 3, 2023. (Note an auditor’s report is not required if the total contributions received, and total expenses incurred in the election campaign up toto the end of the relevant reporting period are each equal to or less than $10,000.); Last day for a candidate or registered third party to notify the Clerk in writing of a filing extension received from the Superior Court of Justice.
May 2023 |
- May 1, 2023; Last day (by 2pm) for a candidate or registered third party to file a primary financial statement and auditor’s report, if required, and pay $500 late filing fee. (Note: An auditor’s report is not required if the total contributions received, and total expenses incurred in the lection campaign up to the end of the relevant reporting period are each equal to or less than $10,000.); Penalties take effect at 2:01 pm.
June 2023 |
- June 29, 2023; Last day for an elector to apply for a compliance audit of a candidate or registered third party’s campaign finances.
- June 30, 2023; Campaign period ends for candidates and registered third parties that extended their campaign, meaning they cannot accept any contributions or incur any expenses.
August 2023 |
- August 30, 2023; Last day for the Clerk to provide candidates and registered third parties with notice of the filing requirements and penalties for supplementary financial statements and auditor’s reports.
September 2023 |
- September 28, 2023; Last day for a candidate or registered third party to apply to Superior Court of Justice to extend the time to file the financial statement.
- September 29, 2023; By 2pm: Last day for those who filed a Form 6 to extend the campaign period to file a financial statement and auditors’ report, if required, for the reporting period ending June 30, 2023. (Note an auditor’s report is not required if the total contributions received, and total expenses incurred in the election campaign up to the end of the relevant reporting period are each equal to or less than $10,000.) Last day for a candidate or registered third party to notify the Clerk of a filing extension received from the Superior Court of Justice.
October 2023 |
- October 30, 2023; Last day (by 2 pm) for a candidate or registered third party to file a supplementary financial statement and auditor’s report, if required, and pay $500 late filing fee. (Note an auditor’s report is not required if the total contributions received, and total expenses incurred in the election campaign up toto the end of the relevant reporting period are each equal to or less than $10,000.); Penalties take effect at 2:01 pm.
December 2023 |
- December 28, 2023; Last day for an elector to apply for a compliance audit on a candidate or registered third party’s supplementary financial statement.