Bath Canada Day Button Contest
2025 Button Design Contest
For over 48 years the Bath Canada Day Button has been a symbol of our celebrations. So many great designs but there can only be one winning button design each year. If you are at elementary school - it could be yours! The theme of 2025 is "50 years of the Bath Canada Day Buttons".
Who can enter?
The Button Design contest is open to all children living in Loyalist Township of elementary school age.
When is the deadline?
Entries must be dropped off no later than 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 17 at your child's school or either of the Municipal Offices located at 263 Main Street, Odessa or at 18 Manitou Crescent West, Amherstview.
Entry Form
2025 Bath Canada Day Button Design - Contest Entry Form
Where do you drop off your entry?
You can drop your entry off at the following places:
- Municipal Office, 263 Main Street, Odessa
- Manitou Municipal Office, 18 Manitou Crescent West, Amherstview
- Your child's elementary school
Please note: All entry forms must be signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Previous winners & designs
2025 - 50 Years of the Bath Canada Day Button |
2024 - Olivia Schnarr - 65 Years of Bath Canada Day |
Theme: 65 Years of Bath Canada Day |
2023 - Matthew Reynolds - What does being Canadian mean to you? |
Theme: What does being Canadian mean to you? |
2022 - Abbey de Sousa - Planting seeds of change |
Theme: Planting seeds of change |
What will the best designs win?
The button designs will be judged by the Bath Artisans and the winner and runners-up notified by the end of April. The Winner of the Button Contest will be invited (along with their family) to ride in the Canada Day Parade as the Grand Marshall! Prizes will be presented at the Opening Ceremony on July 1 with a Cash Prize of $50 for the winner and $25 for each of the three runners-up.
The winning buttons will then be available for pick-up starting on Thursday, June 1 throughout the Township.
Please join us at the Main Stage on July 1 when we award the winners with their prizes!
The four winning designs will also be displayed here on the website until next year, posted on Township social media and the winning button will also be added to the display in the Bath Museum.
Contact Us
Municipal Office
263 Main Street, Box 70
Odessa, ON K0H 2H0
T. 613-386-7351
Email Loyalist Municipal Office
Map this Location
Heritage, Culture & Tourism Division
Loyalist Township
341 Main Street, Bath
Ontario, Canada K0H 1G0
T. 613-386-7351, x218#
Email Heritage, Culture & Tourism
Map this Location